Monday, January 30, 2012

Darren or Dan?

Okay, so here's the scoop.  You may not have noticed, but I kind of really really really love Harry Potter.  People tend to get pretty tired of hearing that in real life so that's what this blog is for - for me to talk about Harry Potter.  If you do not like Harry Potter or happiness then I suggest you read something else.  I will even be kind enough to supply you non-Harry Potter lovers with something else if you click that fun little link.

Right.  So let's get to it then.  Today I was walking out of the dining hall and I head the dulcet tones of the lovely Aaron Tveit.  At first, I thought I was making it up because that is exactly the kind of thing my mind would do - decide that Broadway music is playing in a public place and then announce it loudly,looking like a fool.  But today I was not a fool!  Next to Normal was indeed coming from the Philbrook Cafe.  So because of this, I started to engage in a magnificently non-awkward conversation about How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying with the cashier.  I don't know how she knew I found this topic interesting.  Either she just assumed that I would be interested in it because I like Next to Normal so naturally I must like all Broadway shows, or I just have OBSESSED WITH HARRY POTTER stamped on my forehead.  ...Or there is the slight possibility that I have met her before.

If your confused as to how HP is related to How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying then I guess I should clarify something.  Daniel Radcliffe just recently finished his stint on Broadway playing J. Pierrepont Finch.  And then Darren Criss replaced him.  So that's just about the coolest thing ever, right?  A Very Potter Musical-Harry Potter replaces Movie-Harry Potter on Broadway.  A situation just full of awesome.

Unfortunately, I was not able to see Dan or Darren perform in this show because I don't have the kind of money to go see Broadway shows all the time.  So I remain an adamant enthusiast from afar.  Anyway, cashier lady and I started discussing who we would prefer to see given the chance - Dan or Darren.  Now, anybody who knows me knows that I pretty much think that Darren Criss walks on water.  He is in every way the perfect man.  He's beautiful, he sings, he writes music,(including the soundtracks to AVPM, AVPS, and my all time favorite musical, Starship) he loves Harry Potter, and he plays Kurt's boyfriend on Glee.  He is inhumanly perfect.  But for some reason when I was asked who I would rather see, my automatic answer was Daniel Radcliffe.

Why?  Why would I say Daniel?  I LOVE DARREN CRISS!  If I could trade lives with any one person it would be Darren Criss.  Darren is a better singer.  Darren is about ten thousand times more attractive.  So WHY would I pick Dan over him?  I really didn't know the answer to this at first.  But after thinking about it for a while I have decided to stand by my quickly given answer.  I would rather see Daniel.  Not just because Daniel is more famous, not just because I've already seen Darren perform live before, but because Daniel, more than any other person in the universe, is a symbol of my childhood - a symbol of everything that I love about Harry Potter.  I definitely associate Darren with Harry, but Daniel really IS Harry in my eyes.  I mean, I'm not delusional, I know he's not REALLY Harry Potter and I know that often times the Harry he portrays on the screen strays from the Harry I know and love in the books, but he is linked to my love for Harry Potter in a way that no other person ever can be.  The Harry Potter in my head will always be Daniel Radcliffe and despite fangirlish claims that the books and movies are completely separate things - they're really not, not to me anyway.  The books are really just one aspect of what I love about Harry Potter.  Harry has really taken on a life of his own outside of the books. Some of Harry's best moments are in the movies or in the consciousness of the fans who have recreated him in their own minds.  So even though Daniel is NOT exactly the Harry from the books, he IS in some way part of what Harry has become.  And because I have known Dan since 2001 when the first film came out, he is so much more of what Harry means to me than Darren is.  And yes, believe it or not, I would base my decision on who to see on Broadway based on who is more Harry Potter.  Because really Harry Potter is why I love them both.  But Daniel is my Harry more than Darren.

So if you had the choice who would it be?  Dan or Darren?  

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